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2021.03.22 - 2021.03.28
Place M Film Festival 2021 関連企画
菱田 雄介
123rd month,2011


The 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami substantially shocked our concept of value. We learned that daily life can be easily swept away and so realized the importance of those mundane moments we have. Even though the 2011 event shocked us so much, it has been fading and the daily life that contains memories are coming back. This is a documentation of the past 10 years in both the disaster-stricken area and Tokyo.

<strong>Place M Film Festival 2021 関連企画</strong></br>菱田 雄介「

<strong>Place M Film Festival 2021 関連企画</strong></br>菱田 雄介「

Place M Film Festival 2021 関連企画

Yusuke Hishida
1972年東京生まれ。N Y同時多発テロ以降、歩みを早めた歴史と、その流れの中に存在する人々の営みをテーマに写真家として活動。写真集「border | korea」(2017)で第30回写真の会賞受賞。2020年東京都写真美術館「日本の新進作家vol.17」選出。
Born in 1972, Tokyo. Works as a photographer with the themes of the history of accelerated progress after the September 11 attacks and the lives of people affected after this event. His photobook "border | korea" (2017) received the 30th "Photo Association" Award. Selected for “Contemporary Japanese Photography vol.17” at Tokyo Photographic Art Museum in 2020.

2021.03.19 - 2021.03.22 見逃し配信中!

PlaceM Film Festival 2021

Collaboration with Vidéographe, Montreal Canada

写真ギャラリーPlace Mは、1987年オープン以来、写真表現・実験の発表の場として東京、新宿で30余年活動してきました。
2021年、第2回Place M Film Festival は、昨今の状況を鑑み、オンラインでの映画祭となります。さらに、カナダ、モントリオールの映像配給会社Vidéographeとのコラボレーションが実現しました。
Place M Film Festival 総合ディレクター、プログラマー  佐藤優香

Since its establishment in 1987, Place M, a photography gallery located in Shinjuku, Tokyo, has served as a venue for the experience of photographic expression and experimentation.
With the establishment of the film department and the first Place M Film Festival in 2019, we continue to support the exploration of possibilities in both photography and film, encouraging the creation of boundary-pushing expression.
This year, due to the current pandemic, the second Place M Film Festival will be held online. In addition, we are excited to collaborate with the film distribution company Vidéographe, based in Montreal, Canada.
Through this unique online environment we hope you enjoy our films created from diverse cultures and backgrounds as well as enlightening videos of the participating filmmakers as they discuss their work.
Place M Film Festival Director, Programmer Yuka Sato

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PlaceM Film Festival 2021