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2021.03.15 - 2021.03.21
Place M Film Festival 2021 関連企画
高杉 記子
むすひ musuhi

Play, gather, transcend time and space to become a star. connect, disconnect, create, break, twist, entwine. The story of the memory of the land where people have been praying for peace.

<strong>Place M Film Festival 2021 関連企画</strong></br>高杉 記子「

高杉記子 Noriko Takasugi
アイデンティティ、土地などをテーマに写真作品を制作。東日本大震災後、福島に通い続ける。Photoquaiビエンナーレ 2015招待作家(国立ケ・ブランリー美術館/パリ)。Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize 2015展示作家(ナショナル・ポートレートギャラリー/ロンドン)。
Takasugi’s photographic work looks at identities and land with a particular emphasis on portraits. She has been working on her project with many people in Fukushima since 2011. Photoquai Biennale 2015 Invited Artist (Musée du quai Branly / Paris), Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize 2015 exhibitor (National Portrait Gallery / London) etc.

2021.03.19 - 2021.03.22

PlaceM Film Festival 2021
Collaboration with Vidéographe, Montreal Canada

写真ギャラリーPlace Mは、1987年オープン以来、写真表現・実験の発表の場として東京、新宿で30余年活動してきました。
2021年、第2回Place M Film Festival は、昨今の状況を鑑み、オンラインでの映画祭となります。さらに、カナダ、モントリオールの映像配給会社Vidéographeとのコラボレーションが実現しました。
Place M Film Festival 総合ディレクター、プログラマー  佐藤優香

Since its establishment in 1987, Place M, a photography gallery located in Shinjuku, Tokyo, has served as a venue for the experience of photographic expression and experimentation.
With the establishment of the film department and the first Place M Film Festival in 2019, we continue to support the exploration of possibilities in both photography and film, encouraging the creation of boundary-pushing expression.
This year, due to the current pandemic, the second Place M Film Festival will be held online. In addition, we are excited to collaborate with the film distribution company Vidéographe, based in Montreal, Canada.
Through this unique online environment we hope you enjoy our films created from diverse cultures and backgrounds as well as enlightening videos of the participating filmmakers as they discuss their work.
Place M Film Festival Director, Programmer Yuka Sato

映画祭専用サイト Festival Page:
パンフレットダウンロード Pamphlet PDF:
PlaceM Film Festival 2021