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2024.10.07 - 2024.10.20
Eadweard r.york



日本のFOIL社から出版された書籍『In all of this madness, I have seen untold beauty』に収録されている「AmerWrecka」シリーズにつき、待望の東京展が開催されます。この書籍は、国立国会図書館のFOIL出版セクションや東京都写真美術館、その他多くの国際的なコレクションに収められています。




また、彼の最新の多くの賞を受賞したドキュメンタリー映画『Yaruki』は、Amazon US、UK、日本で視聴可能です。

Talk Show
October 19th (Saturday) 19:00–20:30
Free Admission

Eadweard r. York (b. Omaha, Nebraska - Twentieth Century) is an American-born photographer, filmmaker, artist, and visionary most noted for his compelling, iconic images of American society on the verge of destruction.
Here is the long-awaited Tokyo exhibition from the “AmerWrecka” series from the book published in Japan by FOIL titled: “In all of this madness, I have seen untold beauty.”
The book has been included in The National Diet Library of Japan’s section on FOIL publishing, The Tokyo Photography Art Museum, and numerous international collections.
Eadweard has held over 85 solo exhibitions and public reaction performance pieces in the US, Japan, Asian galleries, contemporary art centers, museums, and underground exhibition spaces. 
His powerful street photographs documenting the disenfranchised are in stark contrast to the numerous celebrities, punks, bands, musicians, and models who have appeared in front his lens, whether affluent or impoverished, the images are stripped of all pretense and not easily erased from the mind - the work of one keenly aware of the essence of his subject matter. 
Eadweard has constantly pushed the boundaries of conceptual, avant-garde art as an infamous, underground outsider whose distinctive, surreal, pop-punk-dada style is easily recognizable, very powerful, and quite visionary. Eadweard’s legendary art, public-reaction performances, and installations have been quite influential, sometimes confrontational, and always at the forefront of the art world.
Eadweard has been called one of America’s newest masters of street photography for his unnerving yet beautiful street photography and his unwavering dedication to the art of street photography, which has become highly sought after by collectors. His work has drawn comparisons to renowned street photographers such as Danny Lyons, Diana Arbus, Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange, William Klein, and Daido Moriyama.
Additionally, his latest multi-award-winning documentary film “Yaruki” can be seen on Amazon US, UK, and Japan.
Eadweard r.york「
photo gallery PlaceM   
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