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吉田 仁美 Hitomi Yoshida
We are: Tokyo 2015-2018
![吉田 仁美 Hitomi Yoshida [We are: Tokyo 2015-2018]](http://www.placem.com/schedule/2018/20181126/hitomiyoshida_01.jpg)
![吉田 仁美 Hitomi Yoshida [We are: Tokyo 2015-2018]](http://www.placem.com/schedule/2018/20181126/hitomiyoshida_02.jpg)
![吉田 仁美 Hitomi Yoshida [We are: Tokyo 2015-2018]](http://www.placem.com/schedule/2018/20181126/hitomiyoshida_03.jpg)
“We are”が、未来の私たちに届くことを願って。
A multiple of people — strangers — cross paths throughout the towns of Tokyo.
Each creates his or her own story, with his or her own background, in the limited time they have in this world.
Other people are really mirrors of you and me, a window into the state of human society.
Our daily life may seem to be ordinary, but isn’t it a sequence of miracles?
I shoot guided by the sparkling ‘lightwaves’ all around, and what I have seen is recorded in my photographs.
While shooting, a quiet voice in my heart says to the people I photograph, “hello, thank you, and farewell...
until perhaps we meet again”. I hope bridges the present to the people “we are” in the future.
*写真集『We are: Tokyo 2015-2018』を、Place Mより刊行。是非お手にとってご覧ください。
*Release of photobook “We are: Tokyo 2015-2018”, published by Place M. Please take a look at it.
ミニギャラリー Mini Gallery