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Michele Mattiello & Uma Kinoshita
Conseguenze. Vajont - Fukushima / 2つの被災地ーヴァイオントと福島
Michele Mattiello "TRACCE"
Uma Kinoshita "In Silence and In Sorrow"
世界中で災害は繰り返され、人はその都度、それぞれの場所で、複雑な思いを抱えながら、その原因と結果に向き合うことを強いられる。2011年の東日本大震災から福島を撮り続けてきたUma Kinoshitaと、1963年に史上最大のダム事故に見舞われたイタリアの村、ヴァイオントの今を見つめるMichele Mattiello。東日本大震災から4年目を迎えるのを機に、2つの被災地を結びつけ、時間と距離を超えて、「人間と災害」「人間と自然」について対話を試みる2人展。2014年、第28回「Spilimbergo Fotografia 2014」参加を含む、イタリア2カ所における展示を経て、2015年はPLACE Mから国内2カ所を巡回。Michele Mattiello のシリーズタイトルは「TRACCE」。Uma Kinoshitaは内容を新たにし、福島県二本松市伝統の手漉き和紙「上川崎和紙」を使用したゼラチンシルバープリントの新シリーズ「In Silence and In Sorrow」を展示。
Disasters appear to be happening again and again all over the world. At each time, at each place, people are forced to confront the causes and results with various complicated feelings. Uma Kinoshita has been taking pictures of Fukushima since the triple disasters of 2011. Michele Mattiello turned his eyes to Vajont, which was hit by the worst-ever dam disaster in 1963. On the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, this joint exhibition is held as a dialogue between two stricken areas around the themes "human beings and disasters" and "human beings and the nature." This exhibition was successfully held in 2 places in Italy in 2014, including the 28th Spilimbergo Fotografia 2014, one of the most prestigious photo festivals with a long history in Italy. In 2015, this show will travel in Japan, starting from PLACE M. Michele's series is entitled "TRACCE." This time, Uma exhibits “In Silence and In Sorrow,” her new silver gelatin prints series using "Kamikawasaki washi," traditional Japanese hand-screened paper from Nihonmatsu, Fukushima.
3月14日(土)トークイベント Michele Mattiello×瀬戸正人
開場 18:30
開演 19:00
参加費 900円
定員 60名(要予約)
Michele Mattiello (ミケーレ・マッティエロ)
BALKAN EXPRESS - SI Fest OFF - Savignano (2014)
BALKAN EXPRESS - Festival de la Photographie Méditerranéenne – Nice (2014)
CONSEGUENZE - with Uma Kinoshita - Spilimbergo Fotografia - CRAF (2014)
CONSEGUENZE - with Uma Kinoshita - Padova (2014)
URLO - Festival Européen de la Photo de Nu - Arles (2012)
URLO – Ronchi dei Legionari (2012)
URLO - Padova Aprile Fotografia (2011)
TRACCE – Padova (2008)
PERCORSI DI LUCE - Centro Culturale Candiani _ Mestre (2013)
IMMAGINI D’ AUTORE – San Pietro di Cadore (2012)
FOTOINCONTRI – Gorizia (2011)
TOCCANDO IL CIELO - Cimolais (2011) exhibition organized by CRAF Spilimbergo
TRACCIATI VISIONARI - Trevignano (2010)
Michele Mattiello Biography
I started shooting and begain darkroom practice in the 90's;
In 2003 I began to work with an ONLUS to make reportages on their activities,
and this brought me closer to reportage and its language.
After this project, which lasted 5 years, I decided to focus on exploring
the intimate sphere of people and body languages.
Later experiences with other photographers (as Antoine d'Agata) lead me to deepen this research.
I am not interested anymore just about representation, I try to express the intimate relationship with my subjects, showing the emotional state of the moment.
Past exhibitions include:
Solo Exibitions
BALKAN EXPRESS - SI Fest OFF - Savignano (2014)
BALKAN EXPRESS - Festival de la Photographie Méditerranéenne – Nice (2014)
CONSEGUENZE - with Uma Kinoshita - Spilimbergo Fotografia - CRAF (2014)
CONSEGUENZE - with Uma Kinoshita - Padova (2014)
URLO - Festival Européen de la Photo de Nu - Arles (2012)
URLO – Ronchi dei Legionari (2012)
URLO - Padova Aprile Fotografia (2011)
TRACCE – Padova (2008)
Group Exhibitions
PERCORSI DI LUCE - Centro Culturale Candiani _ Mestre (2013)
IMMAGINI D’ AUTORE – San Pietro di Cadore (2012)
FOTOINCONTRI – Gorizia (2011)
TOCCANDO IL CIELO - Cimolais (2011) exhibition organized by CRAF Spilimbergo
TRACCIATI VISIONARI - Trevignano (2010)
Uma Kinoshita(キノシタ・ユマ)
2011年 7月 「Fukushima」 Sélections Prix Voies Off 2011 (フランス、アルル)
2011年 8月 「Fukushima」 PLACE M (東京、新宿)
2011年 9月 「Cinema Japon」 NKA Photography (ベルギー、ブリュッセル)
2012年4月 「Lost in Fukushima」 (Reflection: 9人の視点) 三十八間蔵 (福島県喜多方市)
2012年5月 「Cinema Japon」 Festival Europeen de la photo de nu (フランス、アルル)
2012年8月 「Cinema Japon」 PLACE M (東京、新宿)
2013年2月 「Prayer in Stricken Land」(Reflection ver.2: 9人の視点) 銘醸館 (福島県南相馬市)
2013年11月 「Lost in Fukushima」 普済寺ギャラリー (新潟県村上市)
2014年4月 「Lost in Fukushima」 (Conseguenze. Vajont-Fukushima) Villa Breda (イタリア、パドヴァ)
2014年6月 「Lost」 atelier kirigiris (神奈川県藤沢市)
2014年7月 「Lost in Fukushima」 (Conseguenze. Vajont-Fukushima, Spilimbergo Fotografia 2014) Mulino di Ampiano (イタリア、フリウリ)
- 2008年 Artist Showcase Award, Artful Nude (juried by Kim Weston), The Center for Fine Art Photography, USA
- 2009年 Honorable Mention, The International Photography Awards in the category Fine Art Nude Professional, USA
- 2012年 Juror Award of Merit, Grand Prix de la Découverte: International Fine Art Photography Award in the category People/Portraits, France
Uma Kinoshita Biography
Uma Kinoshita is an independent photographer based in Tokyo. As a self-taught photographer, she started to take photographs in 2004. Her initial interests were in a woman’s body and emotions. With her nude works, she has won several awards and held exhibitions at home and abroad. However, the disasters of March 11, 2011, have drastically changed her photography. She has been taking pictures of Fukushima for the past 4 years.
Past exhibitions include:
- July 2011: Slideshow projection “Fukushima” 16th Voies Off Festival, Arles, France
- August 2011: Solo exhibition “Fukushima” PLACE M, Tokyo, Japan
- September 2011: Solo exhibition "Cinema Japon" NKA* PHOTOGRAPHY, Brussels, Belgium
- April 2012: "Lost in Fukushima" in Group exhibition “Reflection: 9 Photographers’ Eyes on Fukushima” Kitakata, Fukushima, Japan
- May 2012: Solo exhibition “Cinema Japon” FEPN - Festival Europeen de la photo de nu - Arles and les Baux de Provence, France
- August 2012: Solo exhibition “Cinema Japon” PLACE M, Tokyo, Japan
- February 2013: "Prayer in Stricken Land" in group exhibition “Reflection ver.2: 9 Photographers‘ Eyes on Fukushima” Minami-souma, Fukushima, Japan
- April 2014: Joint exhibition with Michele Mattiello “Conseguenze. Vajont-Fukushima” Villa Breda, Padova, Italy
- June 2014: Solo exhibbition “Lost” atelier kirigiris, Fujisawa, Kanagawa, Japan
- July 2014: Joint exhibition with Michele Mattiello “Conseguenze. Vajont-Fukushima” as a part pf the 28th Spilimbergo Fotografia 2014, Mulino di Ampiano, Pinzano al Tagliamento, Friuli, Italy
Past awards include:
- 2008 Artist Showcase Award, Artful Nude (juried by Kim Weston), The Center for Fine Art Photography, USA
- 2009 Honorable Mention, The International Photography Awards in the category Fine Art Nude Professional, USA
- 2012 Juror Award of Merit, Grand Prix de la Découverte: International Fine Art Photography Award in the category People/Portraits, France
ミニギャラリー Mini Gallery