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2025.02.17 - 2025.03.02
Masayo Nishimura
Uptown Bound

1993年にニューヨーク市立ハンター・カレッジで写真の勉強を始めた時から、私は自宅近くの地下鉄構内に織り出される光と影の存在に惹かれていました。特に天窓から差し込む光が筋となって車体や線路に差し込む情景は、時として中世の教会や宗教画のようにも見え、日常の風景の中で生み出される静謐な瞬間に私はいつも魅せられました。「Uptown Bound」シリーズは、地上からの光線に照らされる構内の様々な情景をスローシャッターで捉えたものです。

Masayo Nishimura began studying photography in 1993 at Hunter College in New York City. From the beginning, she was attracted to the lights and shadows created by the subway stations, in which the roofs of cars and tracks are bathed in sunlight from the street level, forming a unique shape of shadows. She felt they looked serene and beautiful, often reminding her of Medieval religious paintings. She always marveled at the effects produced by this everyday environment. The Uptown Bound series of photographs were initially shot in 1999 - 2000 at the
stations on the Upper West Side. In this work, she focused on capturing the
utmost of these unique moments created in the subway architecture.
Masayo Nishimura「
photo gallery PlaceM   
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    瀬戸正人写真集発売中! M-books

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    35mmから4x5まで、カラー暗室には大全紙までプリントできるプロセッサーCP-51があります。 詳細 »


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